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Thank you for contributing to the mission of the Erickson Merkel Foundation.

We reward workhorse scholars. Today’s environment of higher education is often one of extreme economic pressure, and soaring student loan debt is gravely impacting the U.S. and global economy. The Erickson Merkel Foundation was founded to help and congratulate candidates who are doing everything possible to meet education costs and achieve their academic and professional goals without burdening themselves with heavy student loan debt. We award scholarships to candidates who exemplify the values of hard work, creativity, and service — not just students who earn a high GPA, but the sort of students who are putting themselves through school by working tenaciously at full-time or multiple part-time jobs.

All donations to the foundation are tax-deductible and applied directly, and in-full, to scholarship funds used to reward and assist hardworking students. Funds are paid directly to the educational institutions of our scholarship winners.

© 2024 Erickson Merkel Foundation | All rights reserved. 501(c)(3) Non-profit Organization - Tax ID: 47-2658738

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